Monday, October 4, 2010

God is Real

At All Peoples Church, the church we are now apart of, we have begun a fast. The traditional way of fasting invloves abstaining from eating all food and committing yourself to prayer and communion with God. Some chose to fast from certain things that a hold on their life like Facebook or in my case a year ago, TV. I've decided to abstain from food since that's huge part of my life. This is the first I've done it like this, but as Jesus said, "Man does not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." (Matt 4:2)

I see how the Lord fills me because I was worried about being hungry the whole time, but the Lord has filled me.

This morning while I was in bed with Ashley, I receieved a word from God saying that I should pay for someone's groceries. I then received a vision from the Lord of a grayish 94-95ish Plymouth Voyager just like the one above.

Part of the church wide prayer during the fast was for an inner city revival. So I thought I should go to the supermarket nearest where the church meets at which is Food 4 Less on University and El Cajon Blvd. I asked AShley what she thought and she said go for it. After I dropped off Ashley, I went to Food 4 Less, parked at a spot where I could observe the whole lot. While I waiting I felt God telling me to take out $140 to give to the person. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to give them $140 or use it to pay for groceries or what? I watched and waited for 2 and a half hours. I saw 94 Plymouth Voyagers but none that were of the color I saw in the vision. I had to leave to meet with Pastor Robert for our weekly discipleship meeting.

He took advantage of some free labor in helping him setup his office and we talked about what was going on. Afterwards, a couple hours later, I decided to return and as soon as I pulled up into the parking the van in the picture was sitting there in front on the 99¢ store.

I was still wondering if this was the van, since it was parked in front of the 99¢ store and you usually don't spend more than $20, if that there. So I waited as people passed by the van, anticipating someone to open the doors.

Finally a hispanic lady and her older daughter walked up to the van with a couple bags from the 99¢ store. As they opened there side door, I noticed a ton of groceries from Food 4 Less in the seats. I new this was the one.

I got out the car, approached the lady (scared I would scare her off being a big black guy walking towards her) and explained to the lady why I was there as her daughter translated. The lady started to break down crying and said something bad (I think medically) had happened to one of her kids and she was praying that God would help. She said she didn't expect Him to respond so soon.

She kept thanking me but I told her to thank the Lord. She felt very blessed and so did I. I invited her to church. I hope she comes. But all in all, God is amazing.